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Another book and a goal to raise $10K for the Spokane Humane Society

    Two weeks ago, I launched a new project for 2022, Paws of the Inland Northwest.

    A follow-up to Paws of the Panhandle, which raised $5,000 for the Better Together Animal Alliance in Sandpoint, my second photobook has a much bigger target.

    I want to raise $10,000 for the Spokane Humane Society.

    It fits in with my mission for this year to spread the word of d.o.g., do only good.

    But first … a tribute to a special someone.

    For Catherine Ann

    My mom was a kind and generous soul — more than she ever let on in her 80 years on this planet.

    Catherine Ann MacIsaac of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, died on Friday, January 28.

    my mom

    The next morning, my husband and I rushed to the clinic for COVID testing and then flew out Monday afternoon to join my three brothers for Mom’s services. 

    They started to clean out the house right away. Mom was a bit of a pack rat. Having grown up in a poor farm family with 11 siblings — 11! — she learned to save things and make alternate uses of things. 

    She used empty face cream jars as spacers when boxing up her Christmas stuff. On the one hand, it strikes of madness but on the other, pure genius.

    And she saved every piece of mail that came through that door. 

    Two brothers had to leave on Thursday, and Chip and I were left alone to sort items in the house. Two big boxes of envelopes and other mail sat on the floor. My eldest brother and I discussed that we had to go through every piece, just in case one slip or letter was something important.

    I sifted through paystubs from my dad’s jobs — he’s been gone for 26 years — and letters from friends and family. Remember when we used to handwrite letters?

    Mom and me

    All throughout these papers were receipts for donations to various nonprofit organizations.

    She gave without need for recognition or praise.

    She gave because it made her feel good to give.

    Because she grew up with next to nothing and when she was able, she helped those who were in need.

    She wasn’t perfect — heck knows her relationship with her own daughter was fraught with stress and complications — but she did her best to do only good for others.

    To d.o.g. for the Spokane Humane Society

    The second book in the Paws of fundraising series is afoot. Wait … a series? What madness of mine is this?

    It was always my vision to have more than one book that celebrated pets, their humans and the incredible scenery we enjoy in the Inland Northwest. 

    And to help nonprofits like the Better Together Animal Society and the Spokane Humane Society.

    Corgi in a wheelchair looking at sunset at Hauser Lake
    Notorious at Hauser Lake

    When I approached the Spokane Humane Society a few months ago, they were eager to help promote the project.

    Says Gail Golden-Flynn, development and communications director, in a news release we’ll be sending out soon:

    “Angela came to us with the incredible idea of producing this photobook that celebrates not only pets, their humans who love them and our amazing region. We thought Paws of the Inland Northwest is a marvelous way to honor the pet-human connection and celebrate the amazing area we call home.”

    How it works

    I’ve set up six different days at some of my favorite parks over the next several months. The first set of 30-minute sessions is at one of my most epic locations, Hauser Lake in Idaho, on Sunday, February 20.

    Hauser Lake is a great location for dog photos and a fundraiser for Spokane Humane Society
    Puppy Power Pose

    Each $100 session should render a gallery of up to 10 images and from there, we will create a cool one-page spread of photos and your pet’s story of life in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene areas.

    You can upgrade to a fully customized session, unlimited time, for $250. That will create a gallery of at least 20 images and a two-page spread in the book. 

    Corporate sponsorships with a full list of benefits are available for $750.

    A large portion of the registration fees become our donation to the Spokane Humane Society.

    Go check out the Paws of the Inland Northwest page to register or learn more.

    All around the circle

    At the first of the year, I set forth my mission for 2022.


    Do only good.

    On January 1, I had no idea how nuanced those words would become. My mission becomes so much more special knowing the things my mother did to make the world around her a better place.

    What little she had, she gave.

    And she didn’t just give with funds. As I read through the condolence notes on her obituary, I was moved by the words people left, describing the impact she had on their lives. 

    I think that’s all a lot of us want while we’re here, right? To make a difference? If I leave a similar legacy behind, I’ve done OK.

    My friends in the worldwide pet photographers blog circle are writing about the rescues and nonprofits they love to work with. 

    Start with Wyoming pet photographer Erin Schwartzkopf, talking about the charity that has her heart and her plans to make every session help it reach its goals.

    When you get to the bottom of Erin’s post, click the next link in the circle and then keep going until you find yourself back here to how we’re going to help the Spokane Humane Society. That’s when you know you’re home. 

    Right where you belong.   


    Dogs. Adventure. Outdoors. These words set Angela's heart afire. Angela Schneider, an award-winning writer and dog photographer, documents the story of you and your dog and the adventures you take together. Your portraits will be a statement piece in your home, art that will make your friends and family beg to hear its story.

    7 thoughts on “Another book and a goal to raise $10K for the Spokane Humane Society”

    1. In 2020 my brother and I had to perform the final act of cleaning my mom’s house out after she passed in January of that year. It was a valuable and eye-opening experience. I am so sorry for your family’s loss. Good luck on your next book! The Spokane HS is lucky to have you in their corner.

    2. I’m so sorry for your loss, and what you and your family are going through. It had to be hard to write your tribute, with your loss being so fresh. My heart aches for you and then selfishly wanders to my own fear of knowing this will happen to me too, and I crumble.

      I hope your book can occupy your mind with D.O.G. thoughts as an intermittent break from grieving over the next year.

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