Ending one fundraiser for dogs and starting another one right away
I believe in giving back to the community that helps me build my business. That’s why I love doing a good fundraiser for dogs.
I believe in giving back to the community that helps me build my business. That’s why I love doing a good fundraiser for dogs.
When you see the world through the eyes of a dog, you learn to take everything a little bit slower.
Photography books about dogs help us see the world through the eyes of a dog … and it’s better than 20/20 vision.
Meet Nevus, one of the working dogs who is featured in Paws of the Inland Northwest. Bets are Nevus is never bored but your dog might be.
Paws of the Inland Northwest, our second photobook celebrating pets and their humans at epic locations in our region, is set to raise $10K for the Spokane Humane Society.